A resource for gay men and all other families/people across the greater LGBTQ+ spectrum.

About Us

Gayfathers.org is the culmination and conitnued collaboration amongst great organizations like the Utah Gay Fathers Association and the Gay Fathers Association of Seattle.

Ben came out in 2008 after being married to a woman and attempting the "pray away the gay" path. Finding few local resources to help him on his journey out of the closet, he began working with other Utah locals to establish a support group for others that would follow behind them on such a difficult path out.

UGFA was born and continues to provide support for local and  not-so-local bi/gay/trans fathers and men through monthly support meetings and more.

UGFA and GFAS have plotted, planned, and conspired over the years to create a national space where local support groups all over can connect. Our goal is to help any father or gay/bi/trans man  find positive local support and other resources for themselves and their families.

We also hope to help potential future fathers find resources as they plan to build a family of their own.

Thank you for being here!

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